When you’re looking for automotive mechanic trade schools, you have a few options of where to attend. Most automotive technology programs come with high price tags or lengthy programs, and many are based out of state. These factors all delay aspiring automotive mechanics from getting good jobs without wasting time and money thus allowing them to advance their careers rapidly.

Want a faster, more affordable education option closer to home that is 100% geared toward job placement and career advancement? Matrix Trade Institute (MTI) offers the fastest auto mechanic program in Northeast Ohio to help students go from learning to earning in 20 weeks. Learn what makes Matrix Trade Institute the best automotive mechanic school option for you.


Automotive Mechanic Efficiency Training

Time equals money. While most trade school programs take at least two years to complete, MTI is much more efficient. Our 20-week accelerated program allows students to trampoline into the field by providing the necessary skills, tools, efficiency training and soft skills required for success, maximum entry-level earnings and a path toward career advancement.

Working smarter, setting goals, measuring productivity and finding ways to use downtime productively are all skills that can be learned. As part of your auto mechanic efficiency training, our program also features M-T.I.M.E., a proprietary hands-on efficiency training application for the skills we teach. It’s our special sauce.


Game-Based Learning Technology

Textbook learning doesn’t work for every student, especially for automotive mechanic students who would rather work with their hands. At MTI, students will utilize interactive game-style learning technology to virtually perform repair tasks prior to doing the real thing in the shop. The interactive video-game style simulations replace outdated textbook learning and is much more engaging for students who are better hands-on learners and enjoy app-based video gaming technology.


Affordable Tuition Cost

Other trade school programs can cost upwards of $30,000 to $60,000 for the duration of a two or three-year program. MTI believes education should be affordable for aspiring automotive mechanic students with job placement as the number one priority. Our 20-week accelerated program only costs $15,500, which covers the registration fee, learning materials, uniforms and tuition. The tuition fee also includes a customized, professional-grade Matco tool set and cart, valued at $3,000 for graduates in good standing.


Location, Location, Location

MTI is located in Beachwood, Ohio. Less than 30 minutes from downtown Cleveland, it’s easy to get to and convenient for students based in the Northeast Ohio area.

Our state-of-the-art facility features fresh and contemporary classrooms with Google Chromebooks, stainless steel high-top tables, jumbo flat screens, a student lounge and the latest in high-tech repair equipment.


Support after Graduation

Upon completing MTI’s 20-week program, students will graduate with the professional-grade tools required for the job. Additionally, graduates will enter the field with G1 ASE, Freon and HAZMAT Safety Certifications.

We’ll also help you not only find, but also succeed in a job. MTI offers M-L.I.F.E. career support to help with employer introductions, financial planning and on-the-job career support. It’s like having an agent who cares and knows what’s best for you.


See Our Automotive Mechanic Training School for Yourself

MTI is designed to teach the next generation of auto mechanics to be as efficient as the vehicles they’ll maintain and repair. If you want fast, affordable and local education, then Matrix Trade Institute is the auto mechanic school for you. Contact Matrix Trade Institute today to schedule a tour and learn more.